Media Release Form


I, _______________________________, grant permission to “Skills 2 Fish” herein known as the “Company” to use my image (Photographs, Video’s and/or Audio) for the use in Media publications for promotional and/or educational purposes, including but not limited to:

·         Videos

·         Brochures

·         Newsletters

·         Magazines

·         Web page

·         Social Media

I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve produced content now or in the future, whether that use is known to me or not, and I waive any right to loyalties or any other compensation arising from or related to the the use of my image for the company. I acknowledge that all content produced becomes the intellectual property of the “Company”, allowing them use in anyway they deem appropriate.

Please initial the paragraph below that is applicable to your present situation:

______ I am over 18 years of age and am competent to contract in my own name.

______ I am the parent/legal guardian of the named child and am competent to contract on their behalf.

 In signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand this release form, content, meaning and impact. By signing this release I acknowledge all terms and conditions stated above and will comply now and in the future.

 Participant Name (Please Print):________________________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________   Date: _______/_______/_____

Contact Number:___________________________________________________________________

Signature of parent/legal Guardian: ____________________________________________________

Name of parent/legal Guardian: _______________________________________________________